
Religion and Why It Matters : Just a Nibble

     Historically, religion has been one of the many things in human history that shows up time and time again for causing war, tragedy, and peril as well as hope, connectivity, and community strength. Religion is not as simple as finding a God and worshiping it. In fact, religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Jainism, and Taoism are non theistic, meaning they don't have a specific god or gods they believe in or base worship upon. 

Essentially, religion is its own complex being with rules and values attached. It has a purpose which can also fluctuate with time and change in adherents. There is an idea that all religions are just popularized cults. And I cannot say that is too far off. A belief system only becomes a religion as soon as it gains motion and suggestibility. Cults are smaller groups that push veneration and devotion to a person, or an idea, or an object. Sound familiar?

    But regardless of that controversial topic, religion is vital to understanding humanity and the human experience. The base of belief and value is what makes us human, it is deep thought and imagination beyond the scope of what is the perceived reality that make our species distinct and unique. Religion is arguably part of what makes us different from other species. We find connectivity and internal motivation through the sharing of beliefs and values, and we cannot fully understand who we are without knowing why we do the things we do. 

Just food for thought, for now, and I may revisit this later.

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