
What happened during my short hiatus (aka what didn't happen)

     Hello, I am back. I burned myself out with school on top of writing these posts. Blinded by my own ambition, I fell into a sort of Dr. Frankenstein "What have I done" sort of situation. I write probably every single day of my life. Notes, reminders, quotes, annotations, essays, etc. But I guess this was the only real time where I focused on actually getting things written and done. Not just something half thought out (which, I guess, is most of my writing anyway). 

    I remembered that I could use this platform to also write about literally anything, which more overwhelmed me than help motivate me. I felt this commitment to writing these posts, getting inspiration from my everyday life and then writing about it later. However, I lately felt like my life had sort of been like a loop. The same day over and over. My schedule had become so mundane that I forgot that I could do things outside of what I was "supposed" to do every day. 

    Not to become a broken record player that you've probably heard a thousand times over by the life influencers on the internet, but it just happened to be true that when you work out on a regular schedule, you do indeed become happier. I think I had this brainwash where I was convinced that life doesn't really change when you do good habits, essentially, I was committed to being the most miserable person on Earth. But I'm here now to tell you, standing upon my tiny soap box, that working out, eating healthy, and sleeping well does improve your quality of life.

I'm not saying that I figured it all out and that my life now is the rose of sheer perfection, but I can say that I'm happier. Just a little.

As of right now, I am quickly sinking into the all-consuming hole of school work and on top of that, I am also very late to obtaining a license which I need for the summer if I want a job or attend a summer workshop, and then also somehow find the time to do social things and not become a hobbit. I am surrounded by books that want me to read them, dying plants that just seem to hate me fundamentally, and a guitar and piano that are sitting collecting dust as I scramble around.

    In short, I stopped writing. In that time, I picked up some habits, lost hair from stress, and overthought my entire future and my so-called "five year plan". I have no idea where I'll be in five years, all I have to worry about is reading, writing, studying, and getting that damn license.