
carving from pretense

Crime is an expression

Surrealist experience, carbon footprint, internet intermission

Finding law in patriarchic defense

Carving wood, carving stone, carving family out of pretense

Sometimes I find deep lines drawn in our faith in man

New visions cause divisions

No religions can mark incisions in the dreaming damned

Canyon sprawl unevenly throughout the promised land

Unplanned creation is relentlessly passed

Because no plane can't exist without the plane crash

No names survive erosion, common dates and times

Headstones and headlines

Blessings sold in printed paper, prayers looped in distant sound

Golden halos rust like statues, faith dissolves where none are crowned

Industry bleeds into oceans

Commotion around a white line on a black ground

Shadow people, fading figures

System shifts in wavering sand

Written law fades faster than the dust upon a severed hand

Point ball pen, black ink, twisted grip

Lives of many, not all, pushed to the left and right

Let a sitting-duck Moses walk through with "Never Surrender" high-tops and lips pulled back tight

Not one hand on the bible but five among children,

scholars, workers, blood family and found bredren

Smoke ascends like rising prayers, met with silence in the sky

Ghosts of progress walk in circles, searching for a dream that died

If no shadow's meant to linger, if no word is built to stay

Then I'll carve my name in echoes, leave my voice to fade away

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