
What happened during my short hiatus (aka what didn't happen)

     Hello, I am back. I burned myself out with school on top of writing these posts. Blinded by my own ambition, I fell into a sort of Dr. Frankenstein "What have I done" sort of situation. I write probably every single day of my life. Notes, reminders, quotes, annotations, essays, etc. But I guess this was the only real time where I focused on actually getting things written and done. Not just something half thought out (which, I guess, is most of my writing anyway). 

    I remembered that I could use this platform to also write about literally anything, which more overwhelmed me than help motivate me. I felt this commitment to writing these posts, getting inspiration from my everyday life and then writing about it later. However, I lately felt like my life had sort of been like a loop. The same day over and over. My schedule had become so mundane that I forgot that I could do things outside of what I was "supposed" to do every day. 

    Not to become a broken record player that you've probably heard a thousand times over by the life influencers on the internet, but it just happened to be true that when you work out on a regular schedule, you do indeed become happier. I think I had this brainwash where I was convinced that life doesn't really change when you do good habits, essentially, I was committed to being the most miserable person on Earth. But I'm here now to tell you, standing upon my tiny soap box, that working out, eating healthy, and sleeping well does improve your quality of life.

I'm not saying that I figured it all out and that my life now is the rose of sheer perfection, but I can say that I'm happier. Just a little.

As of right now, I am quickly sinking into the all-consuming hole of school work and on top of that, I am also very late to obtaining a license which I need for the summer if I want a job or attend a summer workshop, and then also somehow find the time to do social things and not become a hobbit. I am surrounded by books that want me to read them, dying plants that just seem to hate me fundamentally, and a guitar and piano that are sitting collecting dust as I scramble around.

    In short, I stopped writing. In that time, I picked up some habits, lost hair from stress, and overthought my entire future and my so-called "five year plan". I have no idea where I'll be in five years, all I have to worry about is reading, writing, studying, and getting that damn license.


Entering My Mind Palace (aka get me out of here)

    The way that we visualize our brain and the way that we think can say a lot about who we are as a person. How we think connects to how we act, and thus how we effect others. But, actually take some time to visualize the way you think your mind works. Is it a house on a great big meadow? Maybe a giant library filled to the brim with books. I think that my mind kind of works like a palace. Not to sound pretentious or completely (and probably) annoying, but when I think of my brain, I imagine this complex and messed up floor plan. Every room has information built in the very walls and floors, every book or chair or bed is a reification I made up. The chandelier that hangs in the middle of the room reflects light into the dark corners. Each jewel, each stream of sparkle, each wire hidden by glamour, it is all (again) a contextualization of my thoughts and ideas. Along with that, it is also like constant construction. New rooms are added, some demolished, some combined messily. It all works find and dandy for me, I just walk the halls of my very long corridors, open up a door, and hope I find what I'm looking for.

    On those days where my brain doesn't really fire at top speed or quality, I get lost in my mind palace. The way I move through the different levels and floors of my palace is through the stairs. The very stairs that also (with a cheap reference to Harry Potter) move around randomly. They just start shifting and shuffling and I have to brace myself and take a leap of faith that I fall upon the right set of stairs. They just start shifting randomly and all I can do is just hope that I land in the right place at the right time. Some days, I feel like the stairs are to my will and my command, other days, those stairs move sporadically, sputtering like it's not cast concrete stairs. You could probably imagine the brain scramble.

Harry Potter™ Grand Staircase - LightHouse Galleries

    Now that comes to question, how do you think of your brain? Who does this make you to be? I'd say to remember that whatever you think can change and evolve over time and perspective, so if you don't like how unorganized you are or you cannot feel alive without a little bit of chaos, just change it.


Religion and Why It Matters : Just a Nibble

     Historically, religion has been one of the many things in human history that shows up time and time again for causing war, tragedy, and peril as well as hope, connectivity, and community strength. Religion is not as simple as finding a God and worshiping it. In fact, religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Jainism, and Taoism are non theistic, meaning they don't have a specific god or gods they believe in or base worship upon. 

Essentially, religion is its own complex being with rules and values attached. It has a purpose which can also fluctuate with time and change in adherents. There is an idea that all religions are just popularized cults. And I cannot say that is too far off. A belief system only becomes a religion as soon as it gains motion and suggestibility. Cults are smaller groups that push veneration and devotion to a person, or an idea, or an object. Sound familiar?

    But regardless of that controversial topic, religion is vital to understanding humanity and the human experience. The base of belief and value is what makes us human, it is deep thought and imagination beyond the scope of what is the perceived reality that make our species distinct and unique. Religion is arguably part of what makes us different from other species. We find connectivity and internal motivation through the sharing of beliefs and values, and we cannot fully understand who we are without knowing why we do the things we do. 

Just food for thought, for now, and I may revisit this later.